Internet Printable Coupons
Check out the sidebar for some great coupons! You can scroll through at the bottom of the bar or you can click the bar and go directly to the website.
There is a $0.75 cent off Wishbone Salad dressing and if you have a store that doubles coupons that high, you can get free or cheap salad dressing!
There is also a $2.00 off Mr. Potato Head coupon that means you can get one for only $0.50! Dollar General has them on sale for $2.50. If your Dollar General doesn't take printable coupons, then take a Dollar General ad to Wal-Mart, have them price match and use your coupon - what a great stocking stuffer!
There are also several $5.00 off Playskool coupons for some last minute shopping!
Remember to treat coupons like cash!!
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