Thursday, September 1, 2011

Target and Wal-Mart Trips - $0.35 and $0.28 OOP!!!!!

Now that my son has started Kindergarten, I have some free time between drop-off and my arrival to work. I'm using that free time to start working on couponing other stores more regularly besides CVS. I have 3 mornings a week with about half an hour of free time. I think I made pretty good use of my time by only spending $0.59 on all you see pictured!!

Wal-Mart Breakdown (1st photo):

4 Airwick Warmers - $0.94 each
Used 2 - $2.00/2 Any Airwick Item
Cost: -$0.24 MONEYMAKER!

4 Tide Packets (trial size) - $0.97 each

Used 2 - $1.50/2 Any Tide MQ (8/28 P&G)
Cost: $0.88

2 Cascade Packets (trial size) - $0.82 each

Used 2 $1.00/1 Any Cascade (8/28 P&G)

Cost: -$0.36 MONEYMAKER!

The overage offset the Tide cost and I paid just $0.28 for everything in the photo!!

Target Breakdown (2nd photo):

1 Nivea Body Was - $2.99

Used $2.00/1 MQ

Cost: -$0.01 MONEYMAKER!

2 Cans of Friskies - $0.90

Used 2 Cans Free Coupon from Recyclebank


2 Cans Whiskas $1.48

Used 2 Cans Free Coupon from Recyclebank


2 Visine Eye Drops (trial size) - $1.99 each

Cost: -$0.02 MONEYMAKER!

2 Degree Deodorants (trial size) - $0.97 each

Used 2 - $1.00/1 MQ (8/28 RP)

Cost: -$0.06 MONEYMAKER

1 Rimmel Eyeshadow - $2.49

Used $1.00 MQ (8/28 RP)

Cost: $0.49

Plus I received a $0.05 credit for using a reusable shopping bag!!

The overage offset the eyeshadow and I paid just $0.35 for everything!!